Art, RPG


Created almost all the art for the game, from the character designs, backgrounds, items, and enemies. Contributed to gameplay ideas and writing a game design document.


A typical group of students are trapped in their own school as the teachers and the principal (known collectively as the TAPA - Teacher and Principal Association) lock the school down and begin their evil plan to brainwash kids to do homework forever. High School Hero is a real-time RPG, instead of using traditional RPG menus for combat, the game requires players to literally use their mouse to do melee and ranged attacks (ex. draw a line for melee attacks, or aim and fire their ranged weapon). The group of four students are the main characters, and must traverse the many weird rooms based on subjects from high school.

Developed on GameMaker, created for the Indie Game Making Contest for 2014. The website for the original submission is no longer available.

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